Electro-move Athens, Greece

Company Website:

Company Email: electromoveitmoveit@gmail.com

Employees: 4

Funding State: Bootstrapped


  • Smart & Sustainable Cities


  • AI
  • Data Analytics - Big Data
  • Hardware
  • Sensors
  • Software
  • Web or Mobile Application

Business Model

  • B2B2C

Revenue Model

  • Price per Use
  • Subscription

Funding Sources

  • Angel
  • Loan
  • Other
  • Self
  • VC

Your pitch & Vision

Our innovative idea’s target is to make electric cars more popular, help the environmental problem by decreasing CO2 emissions and give the opportunity to people who prefer private and safe movement to drive a car without the costs of buying and maintaining it.


Our company aims through electric-car renting to promote electromobility in Greece. At the same time, as electric cars have no harmful gas emissions, we tackle the pollution problem thus helping our cities become

Solution & Product

By means of rental electrical cars by an affordable quick and easy way our urban city will be mainly relieved by the growing percentage of Co2 emissions .

Validation of Problem

The problem we are solving is of high importance.Diesel cars in Greece keep increasing and only last year 31m tons of CO2 were emitted.The number is quite huge which makes it vital to reduce it

Competition & Competitive Advantage

In our actuation field there are two main competitors , Hertz and Avis, who ,unlike us ,are renting both conventional and electrical cars ,which give us significantly the advantage of specialization.

Team & Why Us

All members of our team study Mechanical Engineering at NTUA. We are creative and hard-working personalities with different interests and problem solving skills, that’s why this competition is a great chance to promote our knowledge and willingness to work on this subject, even if it’s our first one


Rent of electrical cars through a mobile application


Stergios Karalis
Stergios Karalis, Founder
Ioannis Boubalis
Ioannis Boubalis, Founder
Panagiota Tsikouri
Panagiota Tsikouri, Founder





