GoTennis Athens, Greece

Company Website:

Company Email:

Employees: 2

Funding State: Bootstrapped


  • Smart & Sustainable Cities


  • Software
  • Web or Mobile Application

Business Model

  • B2B2C

Revenue Model

  • Advertising
  • Commission Fee

Funding Sources

  • Crowd
  • Other
  • Self

Your pitch & Vision

Our vision is to create a social environment through the application and to combine technology with sports activity which it will help to reduce the stress levels of today’s society and to give an "escape" to citizens.


GoTennis is giving the opportunity to tennis players to play tennis in every city. In pandemic season tennis is one of the safest sports to play, so our users will not be affected by a Covid-19 situation. So we help our users to keep their social relations with safety.

Solution & Product

We provide a healthier psychical and psychological body condition and we create opportunities for stress release. A GoTennis user can play a friendly match or to participate on our Ranking System.Each user's statistics will be stored, therefore they will follow and record their improvement

Validation of Problem

It is proven that sports strengthen our immune system and improve our psychological condition. Modern societies made us really anxious and depressed so it is really important to care ourselves.

Competition & Competitive Advantage

TennisCall,Find tennis players nearby, RacketPal, TennisPal, CourtReserve, Enjore, Playo, Playtomic, Teammate, Playspots Avdantage: The First Greek digital app tennis mathmaking

Team & Why Us

Soukos Vasilis: Project Manager Production and Management Engineer, Technical University of Crete, Tennis Player, Member of tennis society Maragkakis Nikos: Marketing Manager MSc, Economical and Business Strategy, University of Piraeus 2 years working experience as Assistant Product Manager


Digital Application for Tennis Matchmaking or Practice


Nikos Maragkakis
Nikos Maragkakis, COO
Vasilis Soukos
Vasilis Soukos, CEO





